Sorry this has taken me a little while to post. The last week has been chaotic with Cole's birthday, school letting out, and my big meeting with the school. I am happy to report that things have moved in the right direction. Still a long ways to go for me to be comfortable with Cole at his school, and more importantly for him to feel comfortable. So here goes....
Thursday the 31st my husband and I met with the principle, one of the assistant principles, and one of the school counselors. I was very ready but at the same time I was nervous that I was going to loose my cool and let the emotional mom in me escape. At first I definitely felt as though they were trying to down play what Cole was going through. I got a little defensive and started to get upset. But as I was able to explain what Cole has been going through I could tell their eyes and minds were more open. I expressed the disappointment I had in the school, and the disappointment that a lot of our community has expressed to me in the school. This school has had a bad reputation in the bullying area for a long time, and I tried to express to them how they could be the change. They could turn that school around and be the administration that makes a difference. They listened to my concerns and my ideas for what needs to change. We discussed the cameras, their bullying policies, prevention ideas, and discipline ideas. They expressed what a big challenge this is, and they are completely right. But that does not mean that making a change and it rippling down is impossible. It can be done, and if I don't see some changes happening I was prepared to go to the school board and superintendent, call the local news, and go to the news paper. The issue needs to be addressed and I felt like they were understanding and wanted to see changes also. I am planning to stay in touch with them and also continue to do research to come up with ideas on better prevention and consequence policies.
Then there was Cole's big 12 birthday!! I posted a previous blog expressing to people about Cole's hardships recently and what a special day it could be for Cole if people really told him how special he is and how much he is loved. So Tues I picked him up early to go to lunch and he came out with a big box full of cards. The students and some of the staff at his school hand made him over 100 cards!!! He also got some oreos, candy, and a giant slim jim. The words that these children wrote to Cole were so loving and meant so much. He also received an award at the award assembly that he was not prepared for. It was the "Dory" award, and it reminded him to "keep swimming" and never give up. He was so surprised and in the car he told me that it felt real good that day. He was so happy, and I don't get to see that on his face ever when he leaves school. Then when we got home he had 50+ card that came in the mail. He just could not believe that this many people cared about him and thought such kind thoughts about him. He is still getting cards in the mail each day. I want to thank every single person that shared my blog, wrote and sent him sweet cards, and some even sent small gifts. You will have no idea how good you made him feel, and how good it felt as a mother to see the happiness all over him.